I just finished my level two field experience at Hansen Elementary School in Cedar Falls. For 5 weeks, I was in Mrs. Bauer's kindergarten classroom. I am an Early Childhood Education major with a minor in literacy, so being at this age level was a great experience under my belt! In my 5 weeks that I spent there I got to work one on one with students doing baggy books and math assessments, and got to see what teaching kindergarten was like by joining them in their everyday schedule of specials and classroom lessons. I also got to teach two lessons myself! My mentor teacher was very helpful, and I was able to ask questions about lesson planning, behavior management in a classroom, and overall, get helpful tips that I will be taking with me into the future. I was able to go every Tuesday and Thursday from 12:40-3:00, giving me a lot to observe and help out with in that time. The first day I went, I was able to introduce myself to the class and tell them a few interesting facts about ...