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Cunningham Week 5

This week went started and ended really well! Our student was really excited to come read with us today and seemed very excited compared to the past few weeks. She had a sheet of paper in her hand and when we asked her what it was, she told us she wrote a poem about her bunny rabbit. When we asked her if we could hear it, she was more than glad to read it to us. It was really neat to see her get excited about it and want to show it off. Later on, she asked us to both read it again and then wanted us to take a picture of it. It was so cool to see her this excited and proud about something she did.

We brought two books to read for this session. They were both in regards to animals, one sea life and one one safari life. She got to pick which one to read first and she seemed pretty eager to read them compared to weeks past. We started by letting her pick which book she wanted to read first. She chose the ocean book first, so we took turns reading each page. This method seems to work best where we all take turns reading because she likes it when we read with her. I think it makes it more interesting and she seems to get more excited when we can each take a turn.

These two books fit great with our theme, and we are able to learn about these animals more in depth. We were able to come up with new ideas for animals to add in her ABC book as well. After reading the books, we read through a 100 word short story about a jellyfish to keep track of the running records. I read through it once first out loud, then she read through it. When she first started reading through it, it went a lot better than I had expected. She was able to read a lot of it without needing to correct herself. There were some words that she went back to read, but overall, she did a really good job at reading the whole thing fluently. This week was probably the best one yet, because everything went really smooth, and she seemed to really enjoy reading the books we had! One more week left, I can't wait!


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