I have always known about Twitter and have had an account for a while, but when it got brought up to create a professional twitter page, I was not sure about how well it would really work out. I had created my professional page in the Fall of 2017 for an Education Technology class here at UNI, but had only used it a couple times, and maybe had a total of 8 followers. This changed once this semester started because I actually started needing to use my blog for field experiences, which led to connecting it to my Twitter to get my experiences out for others to read about.
Twitter has been a big part in connecting with others and for my reflections for my field experience. It started when we had to participate in a Tweet Chat for my Literature class. This was the first time I had done that, but overall I thought it was a great experience! By using the hashtag #UNILitEd, I was able to connect with other UNI students, and in the end, am able to keep up with their progress in becoming future educators as well! The Tweet Chat allowed me to connect with others in the education world, and I was able to see other ideas that teachers had, determine ways we can work together to better classrooms, and just communicate effectively with so many educators!
Twitter is a great resource for anyone trying to get themselves out there and connected with others. There are endless possibilities for doing this and all of them allow for great conversations! I would highly recommend using this technology as a tool to help you in your path to becoming an educator, or even really, in anything you might want to use it for. There are so many great accounts to follow that deal with anything you are looking for. My PLN (personal learning network) has expanded greatly using this in regards to resources, teachers, peers, connections, and even sharing my own experiences.
Twitter is a great resource for anyone trying to get themselves out there and connected with others. There are endless possibilities for doing this and all of them allow for great conversations! I would highly recommend using this technology as a tool to help you in your path to becoming an educator, or even really, in anything you might want to use it for. There are so many great accounts to follow that deal with anything you are looking for. My PLN (personal learning network) has expanded greatly using this in regards to resources, teachers, peers, connections, and even sharing my own experiences.
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